David Schipper

Short blurb here
Contact Music Ministry Chair – David Schipper
Cornerstone Praise Band
Cornerstone praise band leads inspiring, energetic, and scripture-based music in worship on Sunday
Morning services. The band leads singing in worship combining many diverse styles of music including
gospel, jazz, contemporary pop, rock and roll, hymns, and a wide variety of other styles. The
instrumentation is piano, guitar, bass, drums, woodwinds, and percussion. Practice is at 9:15 A.M. from
Sept. through May, and 8 A.M. from June through August.
Jubilee Chimes
Jubilee Chimes is a three-octave chime choir which plays music from all the seasons of the church year.
The chime choir practices on designated Sundays after church. Contact us below if you are interested in
finding out more information.
Windsor UCC Choir
The Windsor UCC choir practices on Wednesday evenings and some designated Sundays. The choir
sings in church on a regular basis. The choir sings beautiful sacred choral music of many various styles
and all singers 6th grade and older are encouraged to come.
The Ukulele Choir
The Windsor UCC Ukulele Choir is always looking for new members! If you are looking to have fun, meet
some wonderful people and learn to play music, you are just right for the Ukulele Choir. No experience
necessary, just a willingness to have fun and make some music! The church even has a few ukulele’s you
can borrow! The Ukulele Choir plays in church regularly.
Special Music Ensembles
Windsor UCC prides ourselves on having many talented and versatile musicians who enjoy playing in
special created ensembles to do a variety of music every Sunday morning. Some examples are vocal
duets, trios, women’s choirs, mixed quartets, soloists accompanied by Cornerstone, youth soloists on
instruments, and many more groups. Contact us below if you’d like to find out more information!